he New First-tier Tribunal for Scotland - Tribunal decisions now published

St Andrew's Cross

by Ewan Foreman, Managing Director, 1LET

It seems to be working!

The First-Tier Tribunal for Scotland has been overseeing evictions and civil disputes for all tenancy types since 1st December 2017. Previously, the process was managed by the Scottish Courts.

The tribunal has now started to publish decisions on completed cases on its website. Decisions are listed and grouped according to the type of application. You can see the latest decisions here:


The website allows you to check decisions by landlord and tenant name. As the number of cases increase it seems likely that checking the register will become standard tenant reference procedure at the start of a new tenancy.

It will be interesting to see how the tribunal manage and monitor some of the more controversial eviction grounds. These include a landlord's decision to reposess the property in order to undertake major improvement works, or to market the property for sale.